Thursday, April 1, 2010

Concerned/ No Very Concerned

Last week I posted a fake trip report that was clearly meant to be a spoof on this forum. If read that way, the reader might have found usable information.

It also contained a line where I stated I didnt like Canadians, (BTW this is far from true) which is why I think it was removed.

Now I have read many posts here bashing kids, blacks, mexicans and other south/central americans, homosexuals etc. etc. etc. and many of those were not removed. Why T/A ???

My post was not meant to offend, in fact I even apologized to one Canadian reader.

I dont care that it was removed, but I do wonder why its ok to openly make biggoted statements against people but then have an entire thread removed over a statement that is OBVIOUSLY a joke.

Thin skin perhaps?


Concerned/ No Very Concerned

I have been a regular reader here for a couple of months now and while I do not have time to read every single post, I honestly have not seen any posts that BASH different cultures or homosexuals or kids. There have been posts talking about kids not belonging in Vegas. I did not have the privelage of reading your trip report that was a joke. BTW why would you post a fake trip report????? Would like to see what you wrote.

I have to say I get pretty tired of the name calling at other posters here, that is so uncalled for and unneccesary and juvenile. I read some other forums for different vacation destinations and have to say this is the ONLY forum where I have seen such childish behavior. Very sad in my opinion.

Concerned/ No Very Concerned

Somebody obviously reported your post.


You obviously have not seen those posts.

The reason I posted the ';fake'; trip report was to poke fun at some of the things that are asked over and over. If read that way it was educational.

In fact all but 2 responders ';got it'; !

So no, I didnt post it to read my own post. Why would I when I can read such informative ones as yours.


I read the post, thought it was hilarious, and replied with my appreciation of your humor! Glad I got a hard copy of it. Your ';Trip Report'; was in response of several other postings, poking fun at doing the opposites of good advice.

Was the Canadian thing in the original post? IMO it was not done maliciously if it were.

Obviously it was removed because we have way too many lawyers!

Keep up the good work!

nsaneMXer - I read your original post and I took it to be a parady, and it was soooo funny! I%26#39;m not sure why it go removed, but someone must have requested it.

I agree with the arbitrary removals, because I too have seen a lot of ';bashing'; in different threads.

I don%26#39;t think TA screens the posts as actively as we assume they do. I don%26#39;t think that they remove things unless they get reports from us. I had been offended by some of the other threads that you mentioned but I didn%26#39;t report them. I guess no one else did and thats why they are still there.

Exactly my point Leo.

That fact says alot all unto itself.

Thanks Ref and Susan ... glad you enjoyed it.



I did say I do not read every post. Im here to get information to make my trip as successful as possible. I also did say I did not read your loss I guess.

Your sarcastic remark is noted and tossed in the round file.... :-)

Have a wonderful day!

Ns, I missed your fake trip report. Perhaps TA removed it because they realized it was a fake and considered it ';chat-room dialog';. They seem to frown against that. That%26#39;s why they created the Off-Topic%26#39;s Forum.

The first amendment under the BUSH administration has been deposited into the ground.

it appears a lot of responses disappear without a trace.

It should not matter who you offend as long as it is done in an orderly manner.

a lot of people have called me a racist, due to my knowledge of the racial tensions that exist on the east coast.

Most want to bury their heads and not face reality.

Any comments posted here are based upon reality, not fiction.

If you dont have a conviction, keep your mouth shut.

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