Sunday, April 4, 2010

How many times have you been to Vegas?

This question is for everyone but especially for those who think of themselves as %26#39;unofficial%26#39; experts on Vegas.

Also, how many different hotels have you stayed in?

My answer is over 30 for the first question and 9 different hotels on the Strip for the other.

How many times have you been to Vegas?

I%26#39;m definitely no ';expert'; (official or unofficial - LOL!) but in the past 12 years, I have probably been to Vegas between 25-30 times and have stayed in about 12 hotels - most being on The Strip. One is gone now (The Sands - where we stayed during our very first visit), and 2 were less than stellar off The Strip places that we stayed at either because we ';won'; a trip there or because we drove out with no reservations thinking it%26#39;d be ';easy to get a room once we got there'; (and ended up taking what we cold get) - LOL!

How many times have you been to Vegas?

Oops, I forgot to add the long ago visits..puts me at over 40 and btw, your number of visits and number of hotels stayed in very much makes you a knowledgable person who would have good advice for newbies.

only once. we stayed at IP. i%26#39;ve been obsessing about our trip this month for about 6 months, so i feel like i%26#39;ve been there more. planning is half the fun. :D

About 25-30 visits and 12-15 hotels, can%26#39;t remember them all off the top of my head.

More than 50 times in 13 years-the last trip was a few weeks ago. For 7 years I spent 2-3 months in Vegas per year. About 8 hotels.

vp, so did my ex spouse, worked there on a project for about 3 yrs, he hated it, I loved it, maybe that is why is the ex!

Oh, and I don%26#39;t consider myself an ';expert'; on Vegas. I only comment on those things I actually experienced. I have found too many people give out the wrong information.People should be careful about saying something about a hotel, restaurant, etc. unless they have been there. If one person writes how good a restaurant is the next time someone posts a question about that restaurant then maybe 8 people respond it is good because they are basing it on the original post-8 good reviews when it really should be just one. If you have never been there in all fairness you should indicate that.

i agree vp. i%26#39;ve done lots of research and am happy to share it, but i try to say when i haven%26#39;t been to the place personally. most of my comments are on general topics anyway that don%26#39;t depend on having been to a specific place.

My sentiments exactly! If I say anything about somewhere I haven%26#39;t been, I always try to remember to include that it is not first hand experience but something told me by another person.


Do they charge you extra for the capital letters too?

(Now, here comes the tricky part.

I screw up and you guys are gonna be on me like a ton of bricks.)

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